Workshops and Classes
Ken offers classes and workshops in banjo and guitar throughout the year. For details, see Ken’s Itinerary page.
Ken’s Clawhammer Clinics
This is Ken’s fifth season of live instructional clawhammer banjo workshops on Zoom. Click on the link below to learn more or sign up…
- Next Clawhammer Clinic is Monday, Feb. 24, 2025 7:30-9:00 PM (Eastern Time). Topic is “The Clawhammer Arpeggio Technique: the Galax Lick, the Full Clawhammer Roll, and Beyond“
Ken’s Clawhammer Clinic Series
Instead of stand-alone classes, Ken sometimes offers series of classes on important clawhammer topics. The advantage of a multi-class format is that there’s time to review material, address technique, and go over individual concerns. There will also be time for you to practice basic and advanced techniques – and go over tunes – before new material is introduced. Each Clinic Series features three weekly 90-minute sessions.
Check this page periodically for future series listings.
Clawhammer Clinic Encore Collection
In case you missed one, we are offering unlimited GoogleDrive access to videos of Ken’s past Clawhammer Clinic workshops, complete with printable tab documentation for all featured tunes, exercises and musical illustrations. Click for more information on each topic or to order.
Special Deal.
Order any three topics through this website, and get a fourth title free. Simply email Ken with the name of your fourth topic, and he’ll send you all four at once.
Clawhammer Technique
- Syncopation in Clawhammer
- Playing Up the Neck
- Pull-Offs & Alternate-String Pull-Offs
- Drop-Thumbing & Double-Thumbing in Clawhammer: a Complete Guide
- Beyond the “Galax Lick”: the Arpeggio Technique in Clawhammer
- Triplets & Grace Notes in Clawhammer: How to Obtain Them & Use Them in Tunes
- The Clawhammer “Roll” Technique in the “The Cuckoo” & Beyond
- Syncopated Double-Thumbing Patterns (& How to Use Them)
- Melodic Fingering Shapes in Open G-Tuning (Frets 1 thru 9)
- Melodic Fingering Shapes in Double C and G-Modal Tunings (Frets 1 thru 10)
- Up-the-Neck “Melodic” Fingering Forms That Feature 5th-String Fretting
- “Keith”-Picking: Adapting the Principles of Melodic Bluegrass to Clawhammer
- Demystifying “Crooked” Tunes in Old-Time Music
- Adapting Syncopated Rhythms to Clawhammer
Kinds of Tunes
- Playing Jigs (& other 6/8 Time Tunes) in Clawhammer
- Playing Waltzes (& other 3/4 Time Tunes) in Clawhammer
- Celtic & Canadian Reels, Clawhammer Style
- Canadian Jigs (from Cape Breton & Prince Edward Island), Clawhammer Style
- Strathspeys and Marches, Clawhammer Style
- Playing Celtic Reels with Taste & Authority, Clawhammer Style
- Playing Hornpipes in “Hornpipe Style” on Clawhammer Banjo
- Those Happy-Go-Lucky Canadian Jigs, Clawhammer Style
Arranging, Backup, & Variations
- Creating Variations & Breaks in Clawhammer
- Arranging a Song or Simple Melody for Performance, Clawhammer Style
- Creating Variations via Scale Formulas on Clawhammer Banjo
- Arranging Iconic Songs for Clawhammer
- Clawhammer Backup: Concepts & Techniques
Chords & Harmonies, Keys, Scales & Tunings
- Playing “Cross-Tuning” in Clawhammer: Playing In One Key When the Banjo Is in a Tuning Designed for a Different Key
- Harmonized Scales: Using 3rds & 6ths to Spice Up Your Clawhammer Arrangements
- Playing in the Key of D from Open G Tuning (gDGBD)
- Movable Major & Minor Chord Shapes in Double-C / Double-D Tuning
- Modes & Pentatonics in Old-Time Music
- Playing in C minor & “C-Modal” in Double C Tuning
- Chord Theory for Clawhammer Banjoists
- 5 Ways to Play in the Key of F, Clawhammer Style
- Some Great Modal Tunes from West Virginia Fiddler Henry Reed
- Classic Bluegrass Fiddle Tunes, Played Note-for Note in Clawhammer Style
- Fiddle Tunes with a Ragtime Flavor
- Some Great Old-Time Tunes in D from West Virginia & Eastern Kentucky for Clawhammer
- Learn some Tunes from Ken’s New Book, Cape Breton & Prince Edward Island Fiddle Tunes for Clawhammer Banjo
Vintage Clawhammer
- Techniques of the Great 20th Century Roots Clawhammer Banjoists
- The Real Round Peak: Learn Tune Versions by Kyle Creed, Fred Cockerham & Others
- The Clawhammer Style of Kyle Creed: Iconic Round Peak Banjoist
Private Banjo and Guitar Lessons in person or via Skype or Zoom
Ken has been teaching private students to play clawhammer banjo and fingerstyle guitar since the mid-1970s (when he started, Gerald Ford was president!!). He offers a highly systematic approach, which he can instantly modify to adapt to the needs of each individual student. Click for contact information.
Over the Internet
Until we’re out of the pandemic woods, Ken will be teaching entirely over the internet, and has grown increasingly impressed at how well suited video conferencing “apps” such as Skype and Zoom are for teaching fretted-instrument skills.
In-Person Teaching
Ken also teaches in person lessons from his home in West Roxbury, Mass. Contact Ken by phone or email about scheduling and other arrangements. “West Rox” is in the southwestern corner of Boston, Massachusetts. For the dedicated student, it’s also within practical driving range of much of southern and eastern New England.
Ken now teaches frequently over the internet via the Skype program. To set up a lesson, simply contact him via phone or email.